Belt of Truth
Why a belt? And why is it the first piece? I believe this is the first piece for a reason. What does a belt do? It holds everything together, right? So does truth. We all need to start with the TRUTH. How can you know what the truth is these days, with so much division and contradictory information? But, it’s not what’s the truth but WHO’s the TRUTH. JESUS. HE says in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Once you come to Him, He’ll teach you real truth through His scripture. Make time to read scripture and be with HIM every day. Then you will begin to know the TRUTH.

Breast Plate of Righteousness
A breastplate? What the heck is that? We don’t need that anymore, right? Well, soldiers, policemen, fireman, et al. still do. Why? Because they’re doing dangerous jobs. They need them to protect their bodies and specifically their hearts. Well, we all need protection for our hearts. It can be a heartbreaking world out there. How do we get this protection? And how do we teach it to our kids? With kids, I think they can understand what is right and what is wrong. Is right the same as righteousness? No, but, it’s a starting point. Galatians 3:6 tells us, Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Short answer: We must believe — believe in Jesus Christ.

Gospel Shoes of Peace
Shoes? What do shoes have to do with the gospel and peace? When suiting up for battle or even the big game, shoes need to be sturdy, like football players wear cleats to hold them firm in their stance and they need durable construction to protect your feet. So the shoes represent not only the sturdiness and protection you get from the gospel … but also represent our feet moving forward — to share the gospel! Once we know Jesus, believe HIM and repent, we should share the good news with others and tell them of the peace we know because of Him.

Shield of Faith
Before we get too far into this piece, notice the first three pieces above should already be in place. The shield of faith and the next two are ready and picked up to use when you need them. Okay, a shield? Yes, a shield is pretty self-explanatory. But, know that God’s shield is big enough to cover our entire body. We all struggle with faith at times. But when we are confident that HIS shield is protecting us, we can pick our faith up, knowing that Jesus is the perfect example of faith. And, if you’ve believed in Him and put your trust in Him, he lives in you now, too! And just as He is victorious, you can be, too. So, have an active faith!

Helmet of Salvation
What does a helmet do? Obviously, it protects your head and your brain. When you believed in Jesus, you were justified. God pardoned your sins and gave you the gift of righteousness. And then God started the sanctification process in you. Do you know how cool this is? God removed the power of sin over you as the Holy Spirit is now working in you!

Sword of the Spirit
The sword is the WORD of God. WORD = JESUS and the Bible. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” John 1:1-2 NIV. THE WORD is Jesus but is also the Bible. And the Bible is a gift given believers to help understand God through the SPIRIT. If we want to be completely equipped to attack each day in the best possible way, we will read it, study it, memorize it and, ultimately, PRAY ON IT.