Barb Seregi
Author of the children’s series
The Armor of God
(series in progress)
My passion is for scripture and kids: joyfully equipping kids and their grown-ups to stand firm in their faith by learning and wearing the whole armor of God.
Free personally signed bookplate available. Email any specifics to barb.seregi9@gmail.com.
How my writing journey began
I had just finished and LOVED Priscilla Shirer’s, Armor of God Bible study. Then one night, while babysitting for a friend (whose children are Oliver and Hazel), I got an idea for a picture book series about how the Armor of God could help kids. I thought, what if kids could get a good start in life knowing these things? Maybe it could give them the confidence when facing trials that I wish I would have had!
So, I wrote The Truth About Hazel’s Cookie, which is about the Belt of Truth. It is the first book of seven in the Armor of God series. I continue working on the rest of the series covering one piece of armor in each book.
For more information about each piece, read on, and also please check out the free downloadable coloring pages.
I hope you’ll join me to help equip our kids and grandkids with the armor of God!
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